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Lotus Flower



"In the time I've had the privilege of working with Sara Guy, it's evident that she truly cares for her patients and strives to work with them towards their goals of wellness and healing. Sara is a dose of sunshine wherever she goes, always ready to approach situations with professionalism and empathy."

-Current Coworker



"You're the first counselor I've had that I am actually not anxious coming to session."


“我有机会与 Sara 合作,与共同的客户一起工作。她富有同情心,能够与青少年建立牢固的融洽关系,同时,她能够与他们设定健康的界限并建立健康的关系。Sara 是一位熟练的顾问和一位出色的同事!”


"Thank you, Sara. I cannot Imagine my life without you. "






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